Finding a perfect sugar daddy is a challenge – usually, a girl doesn’t have many opportunities to check a man well as she learns about him only from his dating profile before meeting in person. But even after a few dates for a novice sugar baby, it might be complicated to distinguish a good sugar daddy from a fake one.
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Here is an info for the men to know: what makes you a good sugar daddy.
1. Easy to communicate
Typically, sugar daddies are older than their babies by at least a couple of years. And because of the age gap, they might find it awkward to find common ground for communication. Or the problem might be caused by different financial status – a lousy sugar daddy communicates with his date arrogantly.
A good one will make sure there is a communication bridge between him and his sugar baby. He is actually easy to reach out. Sugar daddy should be respectful when listening and polite when answering. The perfect one usually has a good sense of humor, so it’s easy to get on well with him.

2. Not resentful
If a sugar daddy gets upset or moody for no visible reason like one canceled date – it should be a serious concern for a girl. Being with a man who quickly gets sad about woman’s behavior (when it is on average considered as normal) is tough. if a girl sees her sponsor’s positive attitude, she will also treat her daddy good.
3. Generous
A real sugar daddy is generous. When he dates a sugar baby, he should understand that
monthly or weekly allowance
is ok, but unexpected luxury gifts can trigger the chemistry in a relationship.
Sure enough, there’s no ground to expect expensive cruises or such presents as cars from sugar daddy at first, but if he doesn’t agree with the conditions imposed by a woman, it’s not worth dating him.
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4. Keeps promises
A real sugar daddy will never promise one thing and do the other. He is merely consistent. For example, when he says: “Next weekend we are going to X on a yacht,” it means that next week you are really going to do it. If he promises to buy his sugar babe a new Givenchy bag, he is buying it.
However, if the man pledges to do something in a long-term perspective and it seems to be too good to be true, it is more likely he is a liar.

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5. Persistent in sex, but not too much
If a sugar couple from the beginning decides they are going to have sex, it is excellent. Nevertheless, each time they please each other intimately should be mutual.
So if the sugar daddy wants sex and his sugar baby is telling him she isn’t ready or she can’t do it this time, he should be understandable enough to wait for another time. Otherwise, what’s the point of having sex when a woman feels awkward and uncomfortable – there still won’t be any pleasure.
Finally, a good looking sugar daddy is a real friend. He is the one who a woman can trust and rely upon.